research areas
This line of research aims to investigate the ecology of the zones adjacent to rivers and streams and implement adequate solutions to improve water management and quality.
3 research papers
1 international network
research projects & international networks
RibOeiras - Monitorização da qualidade ecológica e da biodiversidade das principais linhas de água do concelho de Oeiras
PIMQUERLoures - Plano Integrado de Monitorização da Qualidade Ecológica das Zonas Ropícolas do Município de Loures
TransBasin - Transboundary Water Basin Management +info
dissemination outputs
Cruz de Carvalho, R., dos Santos, P. & Branquinho, C. (2018) Production of moss-dominated biocrusts to enhance the stability and function of the margins of artificial water bodies. Restoration Ecology, 26(3), 419-421. DOI:10.1111/rec.12688 (IF2017 2.544; Q3 Ecology) +info
Monteiro, J. & Vieira, C. (2017) Determinants of stream bryophyte community structure: bringing ecology into conservation. Freshwater Biology, 62(4), 695-710. DOI:10.1111/fwb.12895 (IF2017 3.767; Q1 Marine & Freshwater Biology) NON-cE3c affiliated +info
Vieira, C., Aguiar, F. C., Portela, P., Monteiro, J., Raven, P.J., Holmes, N.H.T., Cambra, J., Flor-Arnau, N., Chauvin, C., Loriot, S., Feret, T., Dörflinger, G., Germ, M., Kuhar, U., Papastergiadou, E., Manolaki, P., Minciardi, M.R., Munné, A., Urbanic, G. & Ferreira M.T. (2018) Bryophyte communities of Mediterranean Europe: a first approach to model their potential distribution in highly- seasonal rivers. Hydrobiologia, 812(1), 27-43. DOI:10.1007/s10750-016-2743-5 (IF2017 2,165; Q1 Marine & Freshwater Biology) +info
eChanges - Ecology of Environmental Change, a research group from cE3c
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