
youtube channel

Cristina Branquinho @ 60 Minutos de Ciência
Cristina Branquinho é a oradora do próximo "60 minutos de Ciência" sobre "Como podemos usar a biodiversidade para antecipar os efeitos da desertificação nos ecossistemas?"
Novembro 4 | 17h +info

Video on "How to plan tomorrow’s forest?"
A short-animated film to raise awareness on the influences of the local characteristics on semiarid forest growth at long term, based on Adriana Príncipe research.+info

NecoSchool training videos

Find all the videos here

Video trailer

NecoSchool: a Nitro Portugal Training school on the Long-term Effects of Nitrogen on Ecosystems in May 2017

other videos

Fronteiras XXI (II)
Threatened by Climate: Risks and Solutions

Episódio 3 (min 33'20'')

Telejornal RTP

Cristina Branquinho interviewed as a specialist in a report about the drought situation in Portugal.

Science in 90 seconds

Short audio clip on the project AdaptForChange main conclusions by Cristina Branquinho
26 Abril 2017 here

TV documentary about adaptation to climate change - Biosfera

Cristina Branquinho, Alice Nunes, Adriana Príncipe, and Melanie Kobel - Project AdaptforChange

Alice Nunes at "Sociedade Civil"

Interviews about the World Environment Day

Public debate on Sustainable Development Objectives

Terra nos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável

TV documentary about legumes in a world under climate change

Alice Nunes & Melanie Köbel - project AdaptforChange

Restoration of Arid Lands and Combat of Desertification

videos: Melanie Köbel , Alice Nunes/Teresa Mexiaand Adriana Príncipe. +info

Climate Change and Human Health

Science dissemination in the Portuguese National Assembley with Cristina Branquinho's participation
+info & videos

Climate Change and Biodiversity

Life streaming to secondary shools about the effectys of climate on biodiversity by Pedro Pinho within the project ClimaEduMedia

Short tv clip about the dune recovery project

"ReDuna: Recuperação e Restauração Ecológica do Sistema Dunar de S. João da Caparica”minuto verde" download video(Pt)

Video from the Desert Restoration Hub

Arid Lands Restoration and Combat of Desertification "Companhia das Lezírias fieldtrip"

Video from the Desert Restoration Hub

Arid Lands Restoration and Combat of Desertification "Secil restoration fieldtrip"

Interview about Riarian habitat and water quality in urban areas

video (Pt)

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Blog "Desperatly seeking Aeonium" see here


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