research areas
This research line addresses natural resources, namely its compositional, structural and functional characteristics, as well as ecosystem functions, to mitigate unwanted effects of global change drivers and sustainably restore ecosystem functioning in disturbed, degraded or contaminated ecosystems.
14 research papers
6 international network
scientific publications
9 dissemination outputs
research projects & international networks
Almada Restoration - Monitoring restoration of ecosystem of ecological high value and development of restoration procedures for ecological continuities on roads and riparian corridors +info
NativeScapeGR - Green Roofing with native species +info
Reservoirs - Restoration of the areas subject to erosion in water reservoirs
FITOREMEDIAÇÃO II – Avaliação do Potencial de Fitorremediação para Mitigação/Restauro dos Solos da Exploração Mineira
LIFE DESERT-ADAPT - Preparing desertification areas for increased climate change
SOLOS II – Melhoramento de solos e optimização de substratos
MedMossRoofs - Urban green covers based on mosses with no irrigation requirements under Mediterranean climate +info
Bio Crusts - Functional diversity of Biocrusts: towards ecosystem services quantification in drylands +info
Desert Restoration Hub - Arid Lands Restoration and Combat of Desertification: Setting Up a Drylands and Desert Restoration Hub (ESSEM COST Action ES1104)
AdaptForChange - Improve the success of reforestation in semi-arid areas: Adaptation to climate change scenario +info
dissemination outputs
Field guide for using epiphitic lichens as indicators of air quality: a tool for the general public (portuguese) download here
ebook- soils | good practices for soil and water conservation in drylands (potuguese) download here
ebook-forests | Good practices for reforestations in drylands(portuguese) download here
ebook-other complementary activities | complementary non-forestry products
download here
Can you manage a montado? +info
A board game to understand the challenges in forest management under climate change
Mértola's Adaptation Plan to Climate Change: Forest and Agriculture | download here
WebSig | Visualizing the potential of natural regeneration by native forests see here
Brignole, D., Drava, G., Minganti, V., Giordani, P., Samson, R., Vieira, J., Pinho, P. & Branquinho, C. (2018) Chemical and magnetic analyses on tree bark as an effective tool for biomonitoring: A case study in Lisbon (Portugal). Chemosphere, 195, 508-514. +info
Pinho, P., Dias, T., Cordovil, C.M.D.S., Dragosits, U., Dise, N.B., Sutton, M.A. & Branquinho, C. (2018) Mapping Portuguese Natura 2000 sites in risk of biodiversity change caused by atmospheric nitrogen pollution. PLOS One, 13(6), e0198955. +info
Varela, Z., López-Sánchez, G., Yáñez, M., Pérez, C., Fernández, J.A., Matos, P., Branquinho, C. & Aboa, J.R. (2018) Changes in epiphytic lichen diversity are associated with air particulate matter levels: The case study of urban areas in Chile. Ecological Indicators, 91, 307-314 +info
Aguillaume, L., Avila, A., Pinho, P., Matos, P., Llop, E. & Branquinho, C. (2017) The critical levels of atmospheric ammonia in a Mediterranean holm-oak forest in North-Eastern Spain. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 228(3), 93 +info
Ochoa-Huesoa, R., Munzi, S., Alonso, R., Arr—niz-Crespo, M., Avila, A., Bermejo, V., Bobbink, R., Branquinho, C., Concostrina-Zubiri, L., Cruz, C., Cruz de Carvalho, R., De Marco, A., Dias, T., Elustondo, D., Elvira, S., EstŽbanez, B., Fusaro, L., Gerosa, G., Izquieta-Rojano, S., Cascio, M., Marzuoli, R., Matos, P., Mereu, S., Merino, J., Morilla, L., Nunes, A., Paoletti, E., Paoli, L., Pinho P., Roger, I.B., Santos, A., Sicard, P., Stevens, C.J. & Theobald, M.R. (2017) Ecological impacts of atmospheric pollution and interactions with climate change in terrestrial ecosystems of the Mediterranean Basin: Current research and future directions. Environmental Pollution, 227, 194-206 +info
Santos, A., Pinho, P., Munzi, S., Botelho, M.J., Palma, J.M. & Branquinho, C. (2017) The role of forest in mitigating the impact of heavy metal pollution deposition in a mixed landscape. Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 24(13), 12038-12048 +info
Serrano, H.C., Kšbel, M., Palma-Oliveira, J., Pinho, P. & Branquinho, C. (2017) Mapping exposure to multi-pollutants using environmental biomonitors a multi-exposure index. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A: Current Issues, 80(13-15), 710-718 +info
Augusto, S., Pinho, P., Santos, A., Botelho, M.J., Palma-Oliveira, J. & Branquinho, C. (2016) Tracking the spatial fate of PCDD/F emissions from a cement plant by using lichens as environmental biomonitors. Environmental Science & Technology, 50(5), 2434–2441 +info
Koch, N.M., Branquinho, C., Matos, P., Pinho, P., Lucheta, F., Martins, S.M.A. & Vargas, V.M.F. (2016) The application of lichens as ecological surrogates of air pollution in the subtropics: a case study in south Brazil. Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 23(20), 20819-20834 +info
Ribeiro, M.C., Pinho, P., Branquinho, C., Llop, E. & Pereira, M.J. (2016) Geostatistical uncertainty of assessing air quality using high-spatial-resolution lichen data: a health study in the urban area of Sines, Portugal. Science of the Total Environment, 562, 740-750 +info
Augusto, S., Pinho, P., Santos, A., Botelho, M.J., Palma-Oliveira, J.M., Branquinho, C. (2015) Declining trends of PCDD/Fs in lichens over a decade in a Mediterranean area with multiple pollution sources. Science of the Total Environment, 508, 95-100 +info
Augusto, S., Sierra, J., Nadal, M. & Schuhmacher, M. (2015) Tracking polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in lichens: it's all about the algae. Environmental Pollution, 207, 441-445 +info
Barros, C., Pinho, P.,Durão, R., Augusto, S., Máguas, C., Pereira, M.J., Branquinho, C. (2015) Disentangling natural and anthropogenic sources of atmospheric sulfur in an industrial region using biomonitors. Environmental Science & Technology, 49, 2222-2229 +info
Shibata, H., Branquinho, C., McDowell, W.H., Mitchell, M.J., Monteith, D.T., Tang, J., Arvola, L., Cruz, C., Cusack, D., Halada, L., Kopáček, J., Máguas, C., Sajidu, S., Schubert, H., Tokuchi, N. & Záhora, J. (2015) Consequence of altered nitrogen cycles in the coupled human and ecological system under changing climate: the need for long-term and site-based researches. Ambio, 44, 178-193. +info
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