research areas
This line of research aims to investigate how to minimize fragmentation and enhance connectivity in human-modified forested landscapes and how to develop networks of green, natural features and address impacts of fragmentation, increasing connectivity.
7 research papers
1 international network
research projects & international networks
Almada - Monitoring studies of floristic and faunistic communities and environmental services assessment of Almada +info
BioVeins - Connectivity of green and blue infrastructures: living veins for biodiverse and healthy cities +info
RibOeiras - Monitorização da qualidade ecológica e da biodiversidade das principais linhas de água do concelho de Oeiras
dissemination outputs
Concostrina-Zubiri, L., Martínez, I. & Escudero, A. (2018) Lichen-biocrust diversity in a fragmented dryland: fine scale factors are better predictors than landscape structure. Science of the Total Environment, 628-629, 882-892. DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.02.090 (IF2017 4.610; Q1 Environmental Sciences) +info
Mexia, T., Vieira, J., Príncipe, A., Anjos, A., Silva, P., Lopes, N., Freitas, C., Santos-Reis, M., Correia, O., Branquinho, C. & Pinho, P. (2018) Ecosystem services: urban parks under a magnifying glass. Environmental Research, 160, 469-478. DOI:10.1016/j.envres.2017.10.023 (IF2017 4,732; Q1 Public, Environmental & Occupational Health) +info
Ockendon, N., Thomas, D.H.L., Cortina, J., Adams, W.M., Aykroyd, T., Barov, B., Boitani, L., Bonn, A., Branquinho, C., (...), Warrington, S. & Sutherland, W.J. (2018) One hundred priority questions for landscape restoration in Europe. Biological Conservation, 221, 198-208. DOI:10.1016/j.biocon.2018.03.002 (IF2017 4,66; Q1 Ecology) +info
Teixeira, D., Carrilho, M., Mexia, T., Köbel, M., Santos, M.J., Santos-Reis, M. & Rosalino, L.M. (2017) Management of Eucalyptus plantations influences small mammal density: evidence from Southern Europe. Forest Ecology and Managment , 385, 25-34. DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2016.11.009 (IF2017 3,169; Q1 Forestry) +info
Fernandes, P., Antunes, C., Pinho, P., Máguas, C. & Correia, O. (2016) Natural regeneration of Pinus pinaster and Eucalyptus globulus from plantation into adjacent natural habitats. Forest Ecology and Managment , 378, 91–102. DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2016.07.027 (IF2016 3,064; Q1 Forestry) +info
Silva, J.S., dos Santos, P., Sério, A., Gomes, F. (2016) Effects of heat on dehiscence and germination in Eucalyptus globulus Labill. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 25(4), 478-483. DOI:10.1071/WF15078 (IF2016 2,748; Q1 Forestry) +info
Luz, A.C., Guèze, M., Paneque-Gálvez, J., Pino, J., Macía, M.J., Orta-Martínez, M. & Reyes-García, V. (2015) How does cultural change affect indigenous peoples' hunting activity? An empirical study among the Tsimane. Conservation & Society, 13(4), 382-394. DOI:10.4103/0972-4923.179879 (IF2015 1,031; Q3 Environmental Studies) +info
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